All Things 


Where our services enhance your natural beauty with lasting results, in a specially designed environment that creates a sanctuary for wellness and relaxation. Enter a new rhythm as our expert professionals create customized care, personalized to your unique holistic needs. Discover our menu of services and professionals that work to restore your energy while you submerge in our delightful indulgences.




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Spa Secretz is a Veteran-owned day spa located in Maumelle, AR. Our dynamic team consists of a licensed esthetician whose a Registered Nurse and certified acne skincare specialist with face reality. A long-standing cosmetologist who is a certified waxer. Both are trained in Procell Microchanneling, will customize your skincare treatments for optimal results, provide an array of waxing services, and are members of the Associated Skin Care Professionals (ASCP). We look forward to providing great professional services, in a friendly, warm and inviting environment. 




Tonya did an amazing job on my Brazilian wax. She was very gentle and her energy was the absolute best. This was my first time with her but I’m definitely coming back!


My experience was awesome..,,I will definitely be back 🤗



This was the best first time experience ever!!! The service was a whole vibe, good music and conversation. My v-jay looks really good 👍!!!!



Joann is wonderful. She loves what she do. She takes her time with her customer. She is very professional and I recommend her services to everyone.



Always an amazing experience.


Relax. rephresh. rejuvenate.


What’s The Difference Between A Brazilian, Full Bikini, And Bikini Line Wax?

Brazilian - Goes from the front all the way to the back with an added butt strip. This is perfect for a completely nude look, or you can leave a neat triangle on the front. Choose your style!
Bikini Line – We wax the sides (your panty line) and across the top for a neat/clean look. If you’re wearing a bikini, this will prevent any hairs from "peeking out." *Does not include a butt strip.
Full Bikini - This allows you to take off as much or as little hair as you like off the front. If you want to leave a small "landing strip", triangle or nothing at all, it’s up to you! *Does not include a butt strip. 

I’ve Never Been Waxed Do I Need To Do Anything?

No, our staff will take care of everything and walk you through our process. The day of your wax it’s best to wear loose clothing to prevent friction/rubbing 

I’ve Never Been Waxed, Does It Hurt? 

It depends on your tolerance for discomfort. Waxing removes the hair from the root and can sometimes cause discomfort. However, our staff will make sure you’re as comfortable as possible. 

How Long Should My Hair Be To Get A Wax?

For the best results hair should be about ¼ inch to allow the wax to fully grab the hair. 

I’m Pregnant, Can I Still Be Waxed?

Yes, you can still be waxed. Due to hormonal changes, you may experience more sensitivity. Our staff will make you as comfortable as possible. *If you’re in your last two months of pregnancy, we recommend you check with your provider first.

Can I Still Wax If I Just Had A Facial?

Yes, as long as you did not have a specialty facial that does deep exfoliation such as but not limited to a chemical peel, microdermabrasion, use of an enzyme or any other deep exfoliation treatment. If you received a deep exfoliation facial, we recommend waiting at least seven days to receive a wax. Feel free to call and ask our staff if you are still uncertain.  

Can I Wax If I Tanned The Day Before?

We recommend waiting at least 24-48 hours to wax due to the potential increased skin sensitivity.

If I’m On Medications, Can I Be Waxed?

Unfortunately, we do not perform services on sunburned or irritated skin because this can exacerbate the issue. If the skin is unhealthy, we will not perform any service
 until you’ve healed.

Can I Wax If I’m On My Period?

If you are using any Retin-A products or Differin, we recommend you stop use of those 7 days prior to your wax appointment and to resume use 7 days after your wax service. This will prevent any ripping of the skin or sunburn like damage.
If you have used Isotretinoin (Accutane) within the last 6 months to a year or currently taking, we will not provide waxing or dermabrasion services. This is a powerful medication that can increase your chances of scarring or skin ripping during a wax, dermabrasion, or laser treatment. It will also require a letter from your provider acknowledging treatment has been discontinued for a year or more and that they feel it is safe for you to receive the service(s) you’re requesting. *The service(s) must be mentioned in the note.
Here at Spa Secretz, we want to provide you with a safe waxing experiencing. This requires honesty and communication on your part with our staff.
Remember, it’s always best to refer to your provider if you have any questions

How Long Will My Wax Last?

Yes, we just ask that you are clean and wear a tampon to successfully complete the service. *The area is more prone to sensitivity, and you may experience more discomfort than usual. 

Is There Anything I Can Do To Extend My Wax Results?

Every individual rate of hair regrowth is different so results will vary. Usually, a wax will last 3-4 weeks. 

I Get Ingrowns, Can Waxing Help With That?

We recommend exfoliating at least three times a week and application of a moisturizer.

How Old Do I Have To Be To Get Waxed?

We offer a home care kit to assist with treating and preventing ingrown hairs and skin discoloration.

What Can I Expect After My Wax?

Here at Spa Secretz, we wax anyone 16 and up. ALL 16–17-year-old clients require a parent/legal guardian consent and presence in the treatment room during the service.

Do I Need An Appointment, Or Can I Walk In?

We love walk-ins! However, if you make an appointment, we can guarantee your service(s). Otherwise, depending on the number of appointments we have any given day we can’t guarantee availability for a particular service(s).

Can I wax if I have a sunburn?

Smooth skin.  

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